How to Use off the premises in a Sentence
off the premises
The man was escorted off the premises to the sound of the crowd chanting her name.
—Ariana Garcia, Chron, 18 Oct. 2022
Harris then stood up and walked to her desk to gather her things and was escorted off the premises, the lawsuit said.
—Dallas News, 3 Jan. 2023
All visitors must wear a mask; those who do not wear masks will be escorted off the premises.
—Mary Lou Cruz,, 24 July 2021
Seven-inning double-headers were fine in 2020 when teams’ aim was to hurry up and play and get off the premises.
—John Shea, San Francisco Chronicle, 10 July 2021
Episode 6 began with the women distracted by a brunch excursion that took them on a rare trip off the premises.
—Kimi Robinson, The Arizona Republic, 22 July 2021
Those under 18 must now be off the premises by 3 p.m. or accompanied by a parent or guardian.
—Caroline Silva, ajc, 14 Jan. 2022
This is mostly for alcohol that is sold for consumption off the premises from where it was purchased.
—Drew Dawson, Journal Sentinel, 7 July 2023
In the White House, the president and his staff don’t wear masks, relying instead on half-measures like temperature checks and rapid tests to keep the virus off the premises.
—Kyle Whitmire, al, 2 Oct. 2020
Variety reported at the time that Miller had been escorted off the premises in the aftermath.
—Nick Romano,, 29 Mar. 2022
According to lawsuits against The Tradition, Chemirmir was escorted off the premises in late 2016 and asked not to return.
—Jamie Stengle, ajc, 12 Nov. 2021
Nunez and other officers attempted to escort the man and the baby off the premises, but a second hail of gunfire from Morris interrupted the retrieval.
—Brock Blasdell, The Arizona Republic, 17 Feb. 2022
Video had surfaced online of them grabbing a woman by the throat and appearing to choke her before they were reportedly escorted off the premises.
—Nick Romano,, 16 Aug. 2022
The ordinance defines food establishments as spaces that offer the sale of food or beverages to the public on or off the premises, a pushcart, stand or vehicle.
—Dana Afana, Detroit Free Press, 15 June 2023
The person, whom the department did not identify, was escorted off the premises by staff, who filed a citizen’s arrest for alleged trespassing.
—Sam Whiting, San Francisco Chronicle, 7 Feb. 2022
But aside from posting signage about masks and escorting customers refusing to wear masks off the premises, there is not much retailers can do to stop people from getting rowdy, experts say.
—Dalvin Brown, USA TODAY, 8 July 2020
Some casinos even use a facial-recognition software developed by an Israeli company for use on the borders of the West Bank to keep known cheaters and other personae non grata off the premises.
—Karrie Jacobs, Curbed, 6 Feb. 2023
He was soon escorted off the premises and subsequently filed a lawsuit alongside GA2A, formerly
—Jewel Wicker, Vulture, 11 Aug. 2022
Video footage online will show that none of the Congressmembers involved were physically handcuffed; but instead, were peacefully escorted off the premises to be processed by the Capitol Police at a table in the shade.
—Essence, 19 July 2022
The agreement also protects workers who are participating in union activities outside the facilities, such as in the parking lots, from getting kicked off the premises.
—Washington Post, 23 Dec. 2021
The 34-year-old suspect was being escorted off the premises with a group for being intoxicated and belligerent just before midnight, according to the San Antonio Police Department.
—Elizabeth Sander, San Antonio Express-News, 12 Feb. 2023
After photographers on site snapped her photograph, security escorted her off the premises.
—Dory Jackson, Peoplemag, 26 Jan. 2023
Though classified information can be taken off the premises in the course of official duties, taking classified documents home is prohibited by executive order.
—Jeffrey Fields, The Conversation, 12 Aug. 2022
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'off the premises.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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